the Eurozine podcast


Gagarin is a series of conversations with authors and editors from throughout Europe and beyond. Eurozine’s 100+ partners are journals, magazines and associates from Belgium to Belarus, from Norway to Bulgaria, publishing literature and analyzing politics, reflecting on culture and bringing diverse voices to a joint conversation.

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Refusing victimhood and commanding attention

Well-intentioned appeals from the collective West to encourage cultural dialogue between victim and aggressor reflect existing power structures. Reconciliation cannot be imposed from outside, Kateryna Botanova explains in Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast. Eurozine · Refusing victimhood and commanding attention: Kateryna Botanova

Why it united in the first place

Ukraine seems to be more dedicated to European unity than the EU itself. And despite the Kremlin’s best attempts to isolate Russians, a tipping point is inevitable. Until then, we must support cultural workers – their presence is crucial for meaningful change, argues André Wilkens in Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast. Spoiler: André Wilkens wants a public […]

Learning to live with the madness

Distrust in authority is the fundamental reason for low vaccination rates across eastern Europe. But we shouldn’t think of anti-science as the expression of mere ignorance, nor primarily as a grass-roots movement. Péter Krekó on Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast. Eurozine · Learning to live with the madness: Péter Krekó on vaccine reluctance and political calculation

Refusing refugees: Ranabir Samaddar on forced migration

Europe is facing a demographic crisis, resulting in suffocating labour shortages, and yet incoming migration is more and more rejected in mainstream politics. Can the EU come to terms with this great contradiction without an implosion? In this new episode of Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast, editor-in-chief Réka Kinga Papp asks Ranabir Samaddar about migration and […]

The trillion euro question: André Wilkens on the Gagarin pod

The EU needs to prove itself the champion it has long been projected to be, argues André Wilkens in our interview about recovery funds, cultural transformation, budget lines and bank holidays. The director of the European Cultural Foundation also addresses his own pandemic experience as a migratory cultural agent on Gagarin, the Eurozine podcast. Eurozine […]

Zine renaissance and hyperlocal news: local journalism in the digital age

Zine renaissance and hyperlocal news: local journalism in the digital age

Globalization was supposed to connect people but instead ended up connecting the powerful. Local news is rapidly disappearing, a side-effect of digitalization and the ownership concentration in media markets. In an age of technological changes and political pressure, niche publications and a renaissance of zines lead the quest for new, sustainable models in publishing. Eurozine podcast.